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Messages - Bejinscbr

Forte vent covers, any RV store would have them. Mainly have to match up the hinge. For the loading lights, just need to get from a farm type store or trailer. I would switch to LED's and look for a base that matches yours. Otherwise you may have to make a bracket.
QuickSilver Tent Campers / Re: Replacement Parts
August 01, 2020, 12:15:45 AM
I bought one like this for my LL vrv toyhauler. Maybe it's the same?
New Members / Re: New Member
July 14, 2020, 10:21:59 PM
Not too hard. Use searchtempest to search Craigslist as far away as you want.
Check rvtrader, Facebook, and
They were discontinued because Livin Lite sold out to Thor RV, then it was shut down in 2018 or 2019.
Use searchtempest for Craigslist
Vary your search terms. Ie, quicksilver,  quick silver,  living lite, livin lite, etc. If the poster spelled it wrong,  you won't see it in the results.
FB marketplace only searches out 100-200 miles. You should be changing the city to other locations. Ie Denver, phoenix, salt Lake, and so on.
I see quite a few of the popups when I look around the US.
Also, aluminumcamperforums website has a for sale section.
CampLite Travel Trailers / Re: Stolen
July 09, 2020, 12:28:58 PM
More info please.
Where are you located, any pics of it?
Two options if they can't match color.
1) Get a new door in white or a light color. Then have an auto body shop paint it to match.
2) if you are handy or "know a guy" that is. Take apart door and replace the sheet of aluminum and remove the wood behind it. Paint it to match as above. Put back together and you're done.
Hi. Do you have a price for people looking at this?
My 8.5'x22' used a 2 5/16" ball. That's what it will be unless someone changed it.
The TV should have sound coming from it. If not, going into the menu settings and check to see if something is turned off. On mine TV sound only comes from TV, it doesn't go through the radio.
On the radio, mine has no buttons to turn speakers on or off. Only a standard car radio. Check to make sure balance and fade are in the middle and see if it works. If not, try a new speaker to see if that's the issue. They do go bad. Probably have to go to a boat dealer for outside ones, I think they are marine grade.
General Q & A / Re: Wall studs on 2017 VRV 7x20
June 29, 2019, 10:51:01 PM
Dan at livin lite had said to start measuring from the rear. It's 1.5"-3"(I'm not sure on this) wide in the rear and then goes to 16" centers going towards the front. At least on the older units this is what they are. If you have a fold down couch/bed, you can start there and figure them out.
Honestly, if I were you I'd look for an older used one. Most of the issues didn't start for a couple years after Thor bought them in 2013. I think anything prior to 2015 is your best bet. There are quite a few out there. I've had a couple older VRV's and a Camplite. I think the build quality of the older ones are pretty good compared to almost everything else on the market.
No idea what you have for a tow vehicle, but if it's a van or truck, maybe a front hitch would be an option? 130 lbs? I definitely wouldn't do that.
I have a Camplite where the bumper was strengthened for a bike rack. It still twisted it and cracked the aluminum by the welds. I found this design a while back at ATC's website. It seems like a better design to me. Just have a metal fab shop make one for you. Shouldn't cost too much.
I just replaced the jack on the 2013 16db that I have.  The bolts were threaded into the hitch coupler, there were no nuts. I'm guessing yours is the same? Just loosen them up and remove one only at first to double check.