2016 21bhs

Started by wakeboydb, December 31, 2019, 11:35:13 AM

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I think that is a scam. Saw the craigslist ad that you posted. Has a grey 21 with pic in a barn that I have seen elsewhere. When contacting the person they sent additional photos and it was a gold one.



Hmmm, could be. Seems cheap or certainly reasonable.  Not mine btw.
2017 21BHS


I was texting with the guy that posted on craigslist asking for more pics. When I asked why I see the grey one and he is sending photos of gold one he responded he didn't know why I was seeing a grey one, and offered a sorry man. He didn't offer an excuse like I didn't have photos of mine and used a photo I copied off the web.

Just wanted to let other people reading your post what my experience was, and I don't know what the deal is really but beware if you are not local to look that it may be a too good to be true price.

I am looking for a 21 is why I was interested.