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Messages - DocktorJJ

Sound like the commercials I see on TV.  "Maybe, you have the wrong insurance company?"  Call your local TV consumer reporter bet they'd love this story.
Shorter one I believe.  Measure shower then go to Camping World they sell the rods.
General Q & A / Re: Flexible solar panels
February 19, 2018, 08:33:37 PM
I am looking at LenSun solar panels.  They have the 2nd generation EFTE coating on them.  First generation panels have PET coating on them and I have seen U tube videos showing delamination after just 1 year - but they cost less.  Conventional panels have up to a 25 yr warrantee.  Most flexible panels only a 2 year warrantee.
I would go conventional hard solar panels but hate the idea of at least 8 holes per panel in my roof.

5 - 100 watt flexible LenSun panels are selling for about $1,299.00 or $259.80 each panel; or about $2.60 per watt.
I am looking at LenSun solar panels.  They have the 2nd generation EFTE coating on them.  First generation panels have PET coating on them and I have seen U tube videos showing delamination after just 1 year - but they cost less.  Conventional panels have up to a 25 yr warrantee.  Most flexible panels only a 2 year warrantee.
I would go conventional hard solar panels but hate the idea of at least 8 holes per panel in my roof.

5 - 100 watt flexible LenSun panels are selling for about $1,299.00 or $259.80 each panel; or about $2.60 per watt.
General Q & A / Re: Flexible solar panels
February 19, 2018, 08:21:25 PM
Not sure yet on the batteries - think like the ones used for the power tools but obliviously larger sizes - lithium ion? This is a work in progress will let everyone know on the other forum as I expect this one will die about June with Thor (SORE), getting rid of Camp Lites. 
I will NEVER buy a Thor product after this!  They will cheapen Air Stream next! 
Bust buy is PREOWNED!  Would love to see some class action suit bring Thor down; one can only hope.
CAMP lite died a slow death the day Scott Sold it to "Thor" (Pron. Sore)
Scott's new venture gives us a teardrop size with foam sides and foam floor. What the hell happened to Aluminum?   Thank God, I bought mine before they all screwed it up.
General Q & A / Re: Flexible solar panels
February 13, 2018, 02:32:26 PM
I am seeking and answer also to this. Also what flexible panels are you looking at? So far what I have found is need a EFTE film panel. NOT PET used on 1st generation panels. These are the coatings used on the surfaces. EFTE Yes!!  PET NO!!!!

2ndly I am looking for higher outputs that 100 amp. I would like 600-1000watts on the roof. 6-10 panels?
3rdly I want to go with newer higher tech battery bank - these are vent free and can be placed inside the trailer and have far superior discharge and charge properties.

Finally ANYONE with a Camp Lite 21RBS or 21BHS that have installed any kind of roof solar panels I would love to hear from you????
CampLite Travel Trailers / Re: Shower curtain solutions
February 13, 2018, 02:24:26 PM
Screws that come with the rod will work. Not too long! Good question though.
CampLite Travel Trailers / Re: Shower curtain solutions
February 06, 2018, 12:04:44 AM
Sorry I have not responded sooner.  You just measure and cut the one arm. I used a tubing cutter.  I had to file the tube inside with a round metal file and then use a mallet to get the one end back in after I cut it.  Measure twice and cut once. You also can not use the same holes from old curtain rod. I used the one top screw hole and had to drill the lower hole.  Covers for new rod cover old lower hole. I also silicone sealed all holes. Sorry I did not take any photos. Complete instructions can be found on the internet by looking up the unit sold by Campers World. I found my rod cheaper on eBay.
CampLite Travel Trailers / Re: Shower curtain solutions
January 29, 2018, 09:12:40 PM
WE went on line and purchased the swing out curtain rod. Had to do some cutting of the rod to fit but now the curtain swings in when not in use and out when in-use.  Bought a heavy vinyl shower curtain and a fabric outside shower curtain. Also bought double hooked shower curtain hooks.  Had to trim the inside vinyl liner as it was to long. The vinyl liner stays inside of the shower. The vinyl liner has built in suction cups that hold it to the shower walls - no water on the floor now!
Link does not work? So what's the solution?
I would try the 3m Command plastic hooks first. They make all kinds of these and can be removed from drywall, I do not know about azdel  removal.  I do have these in my bathroom and kitchen areas in our Camplite.  I love them.
Oh great I guess Air Stream another Thor product will soon be Fiberglass also?
CampLite Travel Trailers / Re: Sofa Pulled out From Floor
September 23, 2017, 06:20:47 PM
The GREAT new Azdel Floor?  Aluminum holds screws.  Azdel interior walls do not; a screw will hollow out under road vibration and fall out unless it is in an aluminum stud.  I have had it happen on my 2016/2017 21RBS.  My solution was to use drywall anchors - so far so good and time will tell.