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Messages - McLeBron

Open Discussion Area / Re: Improve Magento SEO?
May 24, 2024, 08:06:23 AM
There are platforms for this that will be a great choice for those who are just starting their project and launching an online business. The flexible and adaptive platform allows you to integrate various plugins and extensions amasty site, which you can familiarize yourself with on the website of this one. These developers will help you.
I realize that complaining is the dumbest thing to do in my situation. But still, sometimes I want to whine a little, saying that I don't have a good job and a high salary because I'm not a sought-after specialist. Nowadays everybody needs IT specialists, developers, web designers and other specialists who are connected with digital sphere. I worked for many years in catering as a waiter, then on other jobs such as cleaners, cashiers, etc. I know how to do a lot of things, but it's like it's not in the top of the best professions.
ERP systems, if you know how to use them, update them in time and initially implement them in a quality and competent manner, can be a really great solution for improving business efficiency. And, as far as I know, modern ERP solutions make it possible to cover almost all processes, including customer service, which directly affects the company's income.
I don't understand what "use encryption" means though. I'm not well versed in different encryption, and I'm sure there are many. Do I need to go to a specialist who knows how to encrypt data, or what?
Even though I haven't used such services, I don't think it's worth the risk. Who knows how it could end up? Suddenly your account will be locked. Or you will just waste your money without getting anything. I don't know, I have no trust.
General Q & A / Re: Cannabis without smoking
April 11, 2024, 02:49:53 AM
Do you think something will happen from one time and your lungs won't be able to handle such a colossal load?
I'm sorry, but I can't really give you a clue here. I'm not a cheese expert.
Open Discussion Area / Re: Email as a marketing tool
March 03, 2024, 07:31:56 AM
I heard that there are now e-mail service providers. Maybe it makes sense to consult with specialists who deal with similar issues?
Open Discussion Area / Re: Rested XP acceleration tips?
February 22, 2024, 08:40:33 AM
Always log out in an inn or capital city to accumulate rested experience. Plan your gaming sessions to take advantage of the 200% experience boost from rested state, which speeds up leveling.
Is there any video game you still play? To be honest, I'm tired of everything. I haven't played video games for a long time. But if I want to relax and unwind, I can always choose something from gambling, for example, crypto dice DuckDice I'm sure that not everyone is aware of this platform, which provides more than cool conditions and bonus offers, although it has existed since 2016 .
Perhaps you haven't checked how the finished email will look on your phone? Or on a tablet. This is usually a common problem that many people face unknowingly.
Open Discussion Area / Sell cs go skins for real money
December 25, 2023, 11:03:35 AM
I have quite a few cs go skins and it would be nice to sell them for real money. I read that there are now special platforms.
Open Discussion Area / Re: How to save money on a taxi?
November 17, 2023, 08:56:39 AM
You can find a taxi at the airport exit and I think it will be quite reasonable for the price.
Open Discussion Area / Beauty salon themed business
October 06, 2023, 02:30:33 AM
   I have recently decided to start my own beauty salon themed business. What would you advise me to start?
Maybe you just need to find something to cheer you up? Personally, what helps me is magic mushroom tea This is a great option for those who want to feel the effect of magic mushrooms, but without consuming them. It was this tea that replaced coffee for me, which I decided not to drink because of the anxiety it increases.