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Topics - CaptBilly

I'm hoping to drive to Alaska and getting my 13 ready to go. But it's a little bit too small. I planned on leaving June 10, so there's not much time. If someone's interested, I would sell it at a good price of 13,000. But it would have to be before that date, have photos I can show you. Email me because I may not get back on this site in time. My email is - [email protected]. Please make the heading on the email living light 13. So it catches my eye I get about 200 emails the day. Thank you very much. Please let me know this is the one with aluminum floors with aluminum cabinets.
Bill McC
Lost my window driving back to FL from CO. Must not have dog it down. I have been looking about 7 months. Help
General Q & A / Kitchen window on 13 foot Livin Lite
September 07, 2023, 10:31:36 PM
Does anybody know where I can get a new window for mine 13 – QVB trailer. I forgot to dog it down when driving Steamboat Springs Colorado back to Florida. I stopped at a rest area and noticed the windows missing. I have had a very hard time trying to find one