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Topics - Jackson

General Q & A / Adzel Wall Interior
October 29, 2017, 12:15:07 PM
If I wished to attach something to the Adzel wall on the interior might I use sheet metal screws? In other words is there an interior layer of aluminum?
General Q & A / Bug Off
October 28, 2017, 11:49:40 PM
Has anybody found a replacement yellow lense cover for the existing outside door light or at least the mfg. of the current fixture?
CampLite Travel Trailers / Jack Points Tire Change
July 15, 2017, 10:11:24 AM
What is the jack point on a single or dual axel CL?  I though I read not to place the jack on the axel/torsion bar.  And will the typical auto jack do the job?
Are there instructions on how to position the Dometic awning so the one side is high than the other or to remove a low point sag so as to prevent water pooling?
Loaded the camper including the refrigerator for a 500 mile trek to start Saturday am and no cooling.  Has performed OK to date but now barely cools the freezer.  Any ideas to save our trip besides getting out the old ice chest?
CampLite Travel Trailers / Unlocking TV Swing Arm
April 23, 2017, 04:44:40 PM
Gone through just about everything on our new 16tbs without any issues until now.  We stowed the TV in the travel position and for the life of me I cannot re-open the swing arm. I assume you pull down on the strap to release the pin but short of yanging the entire assembly off the wall, it will not budge. Am I missing something?

The swing out windows don't seemed to have as many detents as I might imagine. And the smaller one over the kitchen sink has none. What's with that?

Thanks anyone.

New Members / May there always be an open road.
April 03, 2017, 09:38:17 AM
Hello to all for New Hampshire. The wife and I are about to pick up our Livin' Lite CL16tbs and naturally excited. After many years of camping, from tents to pop-ups with the kids, we are making the move to a travel trailer for our retirement years. Neither of us are strangers to the camping life-style, but I must admit this forum has been a fantastic source of information for our next venture. So if you see us on the road, flash the lights or honk the horn, or better still stop by the camp site, we loved to show you our fun home on the road. Oh, by the way the dog is all bark and will mug you for treats.

Gordon & Carolyn
CampLite Travel Trailers / 16tbs Receiver Height
April 02, 2017, 12:20:57 PM
Investigating the use of the Anderson No-Sway WD for our yet to be 16tbs.  Does anybody have the spec on the receiver height please?
According to the user manual we are to check the torque on a new trailer ever 50 miles of the first two hundred. Packing the torque wrench on our way to pick up our new 16tbs but would like to know the socket size. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.