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Topics - Dogkinkead

General Q & A / generator/inverter
November 22, 2021, 01:44:09 PM
I have a 13QBB with the air conditioner mounted through the side, looks like a conventional AC window unit.  Question is what size generator or inverter would I need to run the AC while boondocking? 
New Members / Whoops
November 27, 2017, 07:30:40 PM
Hello all!  I'm the owner of a four or five year old 13QBC which has served me very well as a summer camper and as a comfortable camp in the fall hunting season, with this last year being the exception.  I normally do a 'dry' camp when I go hunting but last year was so warm I guess I bought into the global warming line and went up with my water tanks full.  Of course temps dipped into single digits and despite all attempts with the furnace my lines froze.  After returning from the mountains to the flat lands of Northern Virginia and draining all tanks at the Bull Run dumpsite I tried running some RV antifreeze through the system.  I poured three gallons of the stuff into the main tank, hooked up the generator for power and turned on the pump.  I can hear the pump making noise like it's trying but nothing comes out.  Of primary concern is the toilet, really wanted to get the antifreeze in the valves.  I suspect I need a new water pump.  Any suggestions and/or recommendations?  Another issue is a broken vent cover.  I've looked at the assembly and it doesn't look to user friendly as far as removal.  Again, suggestions and/or recommendations please.

OK, it is a 2013 13 QBB, not QBC, (not sure where that came from).  If anyone can give me suggestions or recommend a shop in N. VA I'd appreciate it.