Unlocking TV Swing Arm

Started by Jackson, April 23, 2017, 04:44:40 PM

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Gone through just about everything on our new 16tbs without any issues until now.  We stowed the TV in the travel position and for the life of me I cannot re-open the swing arm. I assume you pull down on the strap to release the pin but short of yanging the entire assembly off the wall, it will not budge. Am I missing something?

The swing out windows don't seemed to have as many detents as I might imagine. And the smaller one over the kitchen sink has none. What's with that?

Thanks anyone.



Gently push on the tv and pull the strap simultaneously,  this should take tension off the plunger and allow it to release. Once released, add a drop of oil to the plunger and it should be fine
2017 21BHS


Backed off the nuts just a tad and it freed up.  Will also lube as per your suggestion.  Many thanks.  Happy trails.
