Looking for Quicksilver 6.0 or 8.0

Started by Breezesocks, April 29, 2021, 10:10:32 AM

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I am looking for a Quicksilver 6.0 and would consider an 8.0.  Unit must have AC installed.  I am located in Eastern NC near the City of Fayetteville.  Please email me with any unit you may have for sale along with details.  Thank you.  [email protected]


I have a 2011 quicksilver 8.0 that i bought a few years ago but have not been able to use much and would consider selling it. The unit is in great shape and has an AC that works! In Maryland and have kept it in my garage over the winter months. If interested, i can provide photos.


Hello and thank you for your reply.  I would be very interested in seeing the photos of your Quicksilver 8.0 and hearing what your asking price is.  If you would like, you can email them to me at [email protected]  Thank you.